This tutorial will show you the steps to use the delete chat feature on Snapchat from Android or iOS app.

Can You Unsend Snapchats? Yes!

It only makes sense to unsend a Snapchat message before someone sees it. As once opened, the message is automatically removed from the chat unless it is Saved. So, you need to make sure that you use the Delete option for unopened messages. Update the Snapchat app from the respective app stores and jump to the steps below. Similarly, you can cancel sent (and not delivered yet) messages even in groups. You can also use it to delete any other media you sent like photos, videos, etc.

Video Showing How To Unsend A Snap

Watch our video to see the steps in action:

Final Words

Let us know in the comments below what you think about out tutorial and whether you use the feature often. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. Notify me of follow-up comments via e-mail.


How To Unsend Snapchat Message In 2022   TechUntold - 35How To Unsend Snapchat Message In 2022   TechUntold - 25How To Unsend Snapchat Message In 2022   TechUntold - 55How To Unsend Snapchat Message In 2022   TechUntold - 73How To Unsend Snapchat Message In 2022   TechUntold - 80How To Unsend Snapchat Message In 2022   TechUntold - 35